
When i was thirteen i had my first love
When i was thirteen i had my first love

But if we are NOT, then the vagina is going to stay "tight" and dry and clamp down, so someone pushing something into it is going to hurt. When we're feeling good and okay about intercourse, when we're aroused, our vaginal openings and canals loosen and lubricate, making intercourse (if we want that) pleasant, rather than painful. If a person with a vagina has intercourse for the first time (or any time) and is very nervous, scared, unaroused and anticipating pain, their vagina won't change in the way it does when we're relaxed, aroused and anticipating pleasure.Same goes for a person with a vaginal corona that is not thick, but which a partner roughly tears because of not being very gradual in the kinds of sex they're having, and not STOPPING when a partner is in pain and checking in with them. Some people with vaginas have vaginal coronas (hymens) that are on the thicker side, which can sometimes lead to pain during intercourse.Here are some common reasons why that could happen: (Suffice it to say, if your cousin's girlfriend also really just didn't want to be having intercourse, it would be normal for her to be screaming.) Everyone's pain threshold is different, and there are a bunch of different conditions that could make first intercourse strongly painful. Which isn't to say I'm not going to answer your questions.Ĭould someone be in so much pain from first intercourse that they're screaming? They could. Sex always keeps, and it's always better (emotionally, as well as just for our enjoyment) when we only have it when we've got all we need to have it safely and soundly. Same goes for having the kinds of interpersonal negotiation and communication skills that it usually takes most folks longer to get a handle on than in the first 13 years of their lives. It also is often pretty difficult for someone your age to get things like the sexual healthcare you need and birth control, or abortion services or pre-natal care in the event of an accidental pregnancy, so until you're in a place and of an age where you can always get those basics when you need them, it's really best to hold off. So, personally, I'd advise you to wait on sex until you're legal. If your partner is over the age of consent, or worse still a legal adult, he could be looking at some very serious criminal charges. However you may feel about these laws, they exist, and it's generally very unwise not to abide by them, especially given the cultural climate when it comes to teens and sex. If you're writing in from the states, there is no state in which you're at the age of consent. First things first: there are all of two or three countries in the world where it's even lawful for you to have intercourse at your age, and in most places, many other kinds of sex.

When i was thirteen i had my first love